Author Topic: A few new pickups ex Ted Craige pedigree  (Read 8765 times)

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A few new pickups ex Ted Craige pedigree
« on: September 09, 2013, 06:49:12 PM »
Something you don't see every day and yet I really like collecting them.

They are electrotypes

Description from Stacks auction:

1766 Pitt token, nicely made from a high grade specimen, hints of lead showing;

1787 Standing Indian / New York Arms copper; much lead visible on central devices, a well made electro; and

1796 Castorland medal, a very unusual piece, superbly made, but after a later Castorland restrike using the post
1845 copy reverse die, almost certainly a professionally produced museum electrotype, lustrous and coppery on the obverse.

1766 Pitt Token

1796 Castorland Medal

1787 Standing Indian / New York Arms Copper