Author Topic: Why we collect coins  (Read 2357 times)

Offline bear

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Why we collect coins
« on: May 29, 2011, 07:40:36 PM »
For the most part," people lead lives of quiet desperation. " It is tough in the outside world

and the stresses and strains of making a living, raising a family and dealing with lifes' hard

turns can be pretty difficult. Coins provide several needed and necessary safety valves for the


1.. You can enjoy a few hours of quiet contemplation while reviewing your collection and reading
reference books on the series you collect.

2.You can enjoy the excitement of the hunt without having to kill anything more then a few hours.
The search for the right coin for your collection is always a positive and enjoyable adventure. Of
course, If you take a gamble on E-Bey and lose, then it may not be so enjoyable.

3. Wealthy people collect great and expensive works of art, paintings and extremely rare and beautiful coins.
Average working people, find that they can enjoy the beauty of coins, designs and state, in a much more modest
manner. This still gives a sense of joy as one looks at pieces of American of Foreign History in front of you. A lovely
mid grade Barber or seated Liberty coin is still a beauty to behold.

4. There is also a sense of pride in ones collection and in the eventual completion of a series , if that is your chosen
manner of collecting.

5. Finally, there are the various coin Forums, where one can spend some quality time, with like minded individuals.

6. Even folks who collect gold and silver coins and bars as inflation hedges, gain a certain sense of security and pride
in that particular aspect of collecting. One could do worse then having a stash of precious metals in uncertain times.

All in all, coin collecting gives a lot of bang for the buck. If you are careful in your preparation and selection of coins, you
might even gain a profit from your hobby.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2011, 09:04:48 PM by bear »

Offline coinsarefun

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Re: Why we collect coins
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2011, 08:27:17 PM »
Sheeezzz said it all and not much left me to add except........

Give that smart bear an extra jelly donut  :3dancingsmiley;

Offline bear

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Re: Why we collect coins
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2011, 04:21:48 PM »
I left out one reason, which is preservation of ones wealth,

from the decline of the value of the dollar.