Author Topic: Do you think we will ever see another huge Silver Dollar Hoard come foreword?  (Read 6282 times)

Offline coinsarefun

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I was doing some research on the Battle Creek Morgans and started to wonder if we will
ever see another large silver dollar hoard again. I guess the reason we continue to see gold hoards
come to the surface is the simple fact that gold is more desirable...or accepted commodity than silver.

All or most silver dollar hoards originate from this country(US coins) whereas one can here or read
about gold appearing all over the world.

Do you think there is another hoard out there waiting to be discovered?
Or perhaps another shipwreck discovery or what would be ohhh sooo cool is to have a
magnificent set of toned Trade Dollars just waiting for us  ;D.......I can dream right ;)

What are your thoughts?

Offline jpcienkus

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I'm no expert in this area; however, logic tells me that yes, we will see another large hoard of Silver.  I think we're seeing Gold appear because of the per ounce price.  Once/if Silver rises say $50 per oz., I think we'll see some hoards appear.