Author Topic: Conder Token • Basil Burchell Anodyne Necklace Medalet  (Read 2413 times)

Offline Larry

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Conder Token • Basil Burchell Anodyne Necklace Medalet
« on: June 02, 2011, 02:57:58 AM »

Middlesex DH 274 • Basil Burchell Medal

Basil Burchell sold Anodyne Necklaces and his Sugar Plums. Both products were based on probable quackery and old wives' tales.
The necklace was made of peony root, the sugar plums contained mercury. If a child lived, I suppose the 'medicine' was considered a success.

Most of Burchell's medals were holed for attachment to the Anodyne necklaces or to a cord which tied a bag of sugar plums closed.
A holed medal could be used with either product.  All are Scarce or rarer.  This variety is rated Scarce. 
Unholed examples, medals like this, were likely struck for collectors and issued after Conder Tokens had been declared illegal.

Lettered edge reads: THIS IS NOT A COIN BUT A MEDAL • + • + • + • + •

Here's more...

So prevalent at this Season of the Year.
GROWN PERSONS; or where there are no Worms,
no Medicine extant for a delicate fine purge, to free the
body from foul humours, can exceed, or even stand in
competition with them. The power of this Medicine is
truly astonishing; it purifies the blood, completely
cleanses the stomach, bowels and glands, and effectually
cures the Rheumatism, Agues, Intermitting Fevers,
Coughs, Colds, Asthmas, and a train of disorders too
numerous to insert, most of which are the offspring of a
foul stomach or obstructed perspiration.
For sickness, and pain at the stomach, want of appetite,
and shortness of breath, they are eminently serviceable. In
short, they have been found, on repeated trials, the best
and cheapest family medicine in the world.-Three dozen
for 2s. 8d. or a single packet of one dozen, 1s. 1½d. To
merchants, country dealers, and charitable persons, to give
away, 10s. per groce.
They have only the taste of fine sugar, and are as innocent
and easy to take as a common sugar-plumb
from the confectioner’s.


« Last Edit: June 04, 2011, 06:49:46 AM by Larry »

I have collected U.S coins for many years, and then Civil War Tokens, but am now actively building a collection of Conder Tokens,
the coins that made the Industrial Revolution a whopping success. : )

Offline walmann

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Re: Conder Token • Basil Burchell Anodyne Necklace Medalet
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2011, 06:08:27 AM »
Great history and information on this Larry. The aspect of feeding mercury to children though is very saddening.
Interested in world coins 1912,1917,1936,1937,1951,1960,1988,2008,2009

Offline Larry

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Re: Conder Token • Basil Burchell Anodyne Necklace Medalet
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2011, 03:16:56 AM »

Thanks, Walmann...

Here's a lot more on Burchell.  Apparently many folks swore by his products.
He inherited the business in 1744 and operated a store in London until well into the 1800's.
By 1790 he was also a goldsmith and jeweler.  I'm betting he was also a coin collector.

I have collected U.S coins for many years, and then Civil War Tokens, but am now actively building a collection of Conder Tokens,
the coins that made the Industrial Revolution a whopping success. : )