1960 Roosevelt MS67FB Toned..... Population of 16 none higher
by coinsarefun on 09 Jun, 2013 17:33
I dropped it of at the Long Beach show to be graded and picked it up today. Trueviews should be emailed in a day or so. You will have to look at my cruddy pic's for now. 
Reply #1
by rrantique on 10 Jun, 2013 11:10
Nice score Stef.
Reply #2
by coinsarefun on 11 Jun, 2013 18:55
Thanks  Here is the trueview image
Reply #3
by VDB Coins on 14 Jun, 2013 06:15
Great-looking toner Stefanie, really tough to find in this top grade with Full Bands designation. Congratulations! Best Regards,  George