This will require a complex answer. People have so many reasons for doing anything ,it is difficult to givea single answer. Mainly new members come by word of mouth. They find that either birds of a feather flocktogether or that the style of the website is appealing to them. A number of folks stumble over a website bysheer accident. A few are people who have rejected the bigger more controlled websites like CU. What everthe reason, people generally stay because they feel comfortable with the atmosphere, the members and thesubjects discussed. It is rather nice to voice an opinion ,without having some pseudo experts jump down yourthroat. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Rational discussion should be able to clear things up in a collegialmanner. If not, we are all still entitled to our opinion. Humble though as it may be.As this Forum grows in numbers, I hope the same low key exchange of ideas and opinions will continue. I believe that it will and I am selecting a nice warm cave near this new website to hang out when it rains.
I just followed the trail of jelly donuts and they led me directly here.
Well...........if I would have known that you were that easy........................
Ooh, ooh, get Keets. He is smart, and would be a real asset.The rumors of Keets eating raw meat and chewing onnewbies is probably not true.
I'm here because it seemed like a fun place to be! I think if you can get other people to realize it is a fun place to be they will be here too. Or you could offer them free stuff. Nothing gets people like the chance to get something for nothing. you just want people who want stuff, or do you want people that are going to be solid contributors to the board? (That is a rhetorical question, I am not actually looking for an answer) I need to make one correction to my first post. I have a hard time viewing 2009 as last year yet. I started collecting in 2008, not 2009. Must remember it's now 2010!