Its been slightly over 2 years that CoinsAreFun has been online. We have over 5,000 posts and have managed to get a almost 200 members. We have been lucky to get written up in a magazine two years in a row as a great place to discuss coins.
So If you will permit me to talk about something that has been troubling me for quite a few month's now.
As many, but not all have seen or heard lately there has been some rather hefty purging of members from a coin forum.
Some very good, decent, smart and important members that contribute to the coin community.
Some that were good but just act childishly (sometimes)..... but IMO without malice.
I have been thinking about this lately. Why you may ask? well......because of our forum here.
We are a great forum, small community and still growing. Most if not all post regularly and most if not all get along.
Now we are a very small little group compared to the 2 larger coin forums that have grading companies.
I still can't help asking myself, what would I have done? How would I handle this place when and if its gets large enough?
When there are that many people in one room, it is bound to have clashes.
I have never posted on such provocative threads on that coin forum as I care not to be banned myself.
Yet I did find myself banned for a short time for a very simple misunderstanding and was back on within days.
It brings up many questions........are moderators supposed to be sensitive and ban without warnings or say that they have warned
and simply dismiss a member?. Is it there liability or sense of wanting to keep the scales of justice balanced? How far can or should they take it and to what point does it become censorship? Yes, it is their home we have come into and have discussions, but if one feels like they are walking on eggshells how honest does the discussion become?. Doesn't the point of open discussion about coins get diluted when you are concerned about how you phrase a certain sentence or word?.
What about the responsibility of the poster? Shouldn't he or she have some responsibility to be respectful of others.
This doesn't meen you need to agree with everyone or say that you like a certain coin when you don't. Just put your likes or dislikes
about a certain thought in a way as not to antagonize the other member or mock them.
In my opinion I think it comes down to liability and money, at least in regards a certain forum I am speaking to you about.
I feel that there has been frustration built up on both sides of the room. The forum members and the forum moderators.
In which this case the main moderator just so happens to be CEO. This to me is a double edge sword and has more con's than pro's
but that's an entirely new discussion.
I will give you a few of my thoughts and feelings on how I would handle the situation and we can all look back on this years to come and say
ha.......if she only knew
If i was CEO of a large grading company I would not be scanning and playing moderator to a forum.I don't care if I own and pay for it.
I want to hear it all.....the good, bad and ugly. If there is something I don't like I would have a "delete this thread" control button and move on. When a poster has so many threads deleted he either changes his ways or moves along to another ballpark.
I would have mod's set in place to take care of the threats and nasty language that may occur sine you never know when YN's are reading
the forums. Even though that forum is paid for by them they still reap benefits because the word of mouth and shear membership help adds
to their bottom line. one can convince me any different!
I guess I can take solace in knowing that I will not ban someone for having an opinion that is different from mine or any other member.
I also know that I will never own and run a large 3rd party grading company either so I will not have that problem.
I thank you for reading this and letting me think out loud, I appreciate each and everyone one of you that contribute to CoinsAreFun
forum. Each one has an outstanding desire for coins and enjoy them greatly and are willing to share your knowledge with everyone.
I am grateful for this little merry band of forumites and look forward to many great years to come!