Author Topic: The role of Newbies on the Forum  (Read 4837 times)

Offline bear

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The role of Newbies on the Forum
« on: May 25, 2011, 04:24:03 PM »
It is unfortunate that so many newbies are hesitant to post to the Forum in fear that they

will be attacked or humiliated. This is really a shame, especially on a cordial Forum such

as this one. First of all, Newbies must all ask the same questions, that we all asked, and must

receive accurate and polite answers that us old timers did. This learning experience is essential

if the foundation of the hobby is to remain strong and growing. In the second place, new

 members and collectors must be able to express their opinions and views on a number of serious

topics. Because someone is new to the hobby, does not mean that they do not have profound and

intelligent views, to add depth and different aspects to serious discussions. No one who goes to the

trouble of making a statement and presents reasonable argument, should ever be barraged with hostile

and mean spirited attacks. Be brave and step into the water, you will be treated with the respect and politeness

that all members of this Forum are entitled to receive.

Offline bear

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Re: The role of Newbies on the Forum
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2011, 04:53:24 PM »
This is a very serious concern of mine and I hope the Forum will give

it the attention that this matter truly deserves. The tomorrow of coin

collecting depends upon the Newbies of today. Anyone that does not believe

that is really badly mistaken.

Offline coinsarefun

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Re: The role of Newbies on the Forum
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2011, 05:02:36 PM »
This is a very serious concern of mine and I hope the Forum will give

it the attention that this matter truly deserves. The tomorrow of coin

collecting depends upon the Newbies of today. Anyone that does not believe

that is really badly mistaken.

Very wise and well said bear!

Offline FilthyBroke

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Re: The role of Newbies on the Forum
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2011, 06:57:10 PM »
I'd LOVE to see more participation here.  As for fear of asking "dumb" questions or whatnot, puhlease!!  Read some of my stuff! ;D  I just ask, I figure you guys will set me straight.  No one knows everything, and that's a fact.

We're like a family, I shouldn't say that, we're more civil with each other than that! :angel:
please visit my website -

Offline bear

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Re: The role of Newbies on the Forum
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2011, 07:19:26 PM »
The really nice thing about this Forum, you wont be banned if you express a polite opinion.

There are no suits here to get offended at the slightest perceived criticism.

Offline coinsarefun

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Re: The role of Newbies on the Forum
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2011, 07:56:24 PM »
The really nice thing about this Forum, you wont be banned if you express a polite opinion.

There are no suits here to get offended at the slightest perceived criticism.

That's right.......only a pair of shorts........I don't wear skirts :0

Offline bear

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Re: The role of Newbies on the Forum
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2011, 04:35:44 PM »
The ability to express oneself politely and with intelligence, on a Forum, without being jumped

on and ganged up on, is a most important freedom on any Forum. Tattle tales and snitches have

been frowned upon since we were all in Kindergarten.

Offline coinsarefun

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Re: The role of Newbies on the Forum
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2011, 05:44:00 PM »

Offline walmann

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Re: The role of Newbies on the Forum
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2011, 10:54:55 PM »
Newbies, a topic that should be expanded on. The health and future of the hobby. Yet, often neglected.
The major organizations in this hobby pretty much leave the newbie alone to the sharks of the coin world. Perhaps they feel education must learned in large part the hard way. Doctored coins and common coins misrepresented or over hyped, most collectors end up getting burned or buried early in their collecting life, yet for each one that hangs tough, an uncountable number leave and never come back. For some the love of coins is killed, others it never gets a chance to blossom.

The major gateway for most collectors in recent years has been Ebay. Have we seen any effort by the ANA or the TPGers to make those newbies aware of the great and financially painful pitfalls that await new and uninformed collectors, whether it be various online listings or by the TV hawkers? These organizations could with litttle effort or expenditure of resources make themselves and basic information known to the uninformed collecting community via listings utilizing various key words. Every new collector that remains in the hobby creates greater demand for their services, so there is great self interest here not only alturistic goals.

As cash and coins are increasingly replaced in daily commerce, there is the danger that coins will to some if not a lesser degree, follow that of stamps. People generally collect items that they come across in their lives, and this is one reason why stamps have been hit so hard, many young people today never have used a stamp, all their communication being done via electronic media. There are other reasons as well but this has played a large part, and it is not difficult to envision electronic payment media impacting this and future generations familarity with coins.

The hobby really needs to make an effort to reach out to the very new collector and educate them as soon as possible. If the old attitude of trial by fire continues, it will merely assist in the shrinking of the coin collecting community.
Interested in world coins 1912,1917,1936,1937,1951,1960,1988,2008,2009

Offline bear

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Re: The role of Newbies on the Forum
« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2011, 11:32:16 PM »
Walmann, well said indeed. I could not agree more. That is one of the reasons I have started

an instructional series on this Forum to pass on my hard won knowledge. I tried to do the same

on the PCGS Forum, but my efforts seem to be cut short there. It really is a shame, because so many

senior members have been forced out. What a loss of knowledge. I believe that each senior collector ,owes

it to the next generation, to pass on what they have learned over the years. I have made many costly mistakes

that I wish to spare the Newbies from making.