Author Topic: Perception and the role it plays in coin collecting.  (Read 1908 times)

Offline bear

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Perception and the role it plays in coin collecting.
« on: May 29, 2011, 02:25:59 PM »
Perception of what is truth , sometimes plays a greater role then truth itself.

In basic terms, as it pertains to coins, truth is what your eyes, your experience

and your own strict grading evaluation tells you. Perception, is what the slab grade

the Plus, the sticker and the star indicate to you..Are the TP adjectives accurate and

correct? Perhaps. They are often accurate, but not always accurate. Once a coin meets

tour own strict appraisal and meets all of your own personal guidelines, then the Plus, star

and sticker merely reinforce your own decision. Also, If the coin has the WOW Factor of nice

toning, strike, surface texture, luster and overall impression, then the Plastic, grade and other

adjectives reinforce the value of the coin and make a sale easier and at a stronger price.

In the final analysis, the plus, star and CAC sticker do play an important role in perception, but only if you

the collector buying the coin, concur in reality what the perceived quality says. While beauty is said to be in

the eye of the beholder and personal preferences, certainly play a big role in buying a coin, I believe that most

collectors will agree, on whether a coin is a quality coin and has that WOW Factor. They might not buy such a

coin because they do not care for white coins or colored coins, but they will tend to agree that the coin is really

a nice coin. When buying a coin, the perceptive,advanced collector, takes a very critical look at what ever

imperfection the coin may have and will act accordingly. If the coin is  bought, then the subjective grade

and superlatives, are a definite plus for the coin and the collection.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2011, 02:37:25 PM by bear »

Offline coinsarefun

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Re: Perception and the role it plays in coin collecting.
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2011, 02:43:31 PM »
All is true and I agree, although when I buy a coin it could be raw, graded or CAC'd. I look at the overall coin first.

If it has what I am looking for: Good strike, luster, eye appeal, and of course a little bit of toning is nice except on certain coins.
then I am interested, whether the coin has been graded, CAC'd.......etc.....

Now.....when I go to sell that coin, without doubt I would like it to have all the accoutrements as it will fetch the highest price ;)

Offline bear

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Re: Perception and the role it plays in coin collecting.
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2011, 04:24:51 PM »
There is no worse feeling, then buying a coin you believe is really nice. Perhaps a few months or years later,

a smarter you, looks at the coin and is actually disgusted that you even considered buying such a coin.

Experience , does tend to make fools of us as we review our earlier purchases.